Results for 'Digna Edelsys Hernández Meléndrez'

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  1.  19
    Hospitalized sick children well-being.Omar Cruz Martin, Digna Edelsys Hernández Meléndrez & Maydell Pérez Inerárity - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):396-414.
    Durante su desarrollo el niño se enfrenta a eventos que plantean demandas difíciles de satisfacer como la enfermedad y la hospitalización. La Organización Mundial de Salud define la salud como un estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social, pero no existe consenso en la literatura sobre el término bienestar. El objetivo del artículo es realizar una revisión bibliográfica acerca del concepto bienestar en niños, asociado al proceso salud - enfermedad y a la hospitalización. Los niños experimentan bienestar cuando predominan (...)
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    El cosmopolitismo a la luz de la allagmática.Luis Armando Hernández Cuevas - 2022 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 55 (1):55-72.
    El escrito, adentrándose en la teoría allagmática de Gilbert Simondon, tiene como objetivo provocarle al concepto de cosmopolitismo variantes ontológicas, epistemológicas y éticas. Se piensa, dichas variantes, al romper con los primados sustancialitas que sitúan el principio de individuación como algo consumado, idean un horizonte de sentido que se muestra capaz de expresar al cosmopolitismo, no como un ideal regulativo, sino como un proceso. De este modo, pensar al cosmopolitismo como un proceso, reclama asumir los movimientos ontológicos, epistemológicos y éticos, (...)
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    Bilingualism aids conflict resolution: Evidence from the ANT task.Albert Costa, Mireia Hernández & Núria Sebastián-Gallés - 2008 - Cognition 106 (1):59-86.
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    Entrepreneurial Potential and Gender Effects: The Role of Personality Traits in University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions.Alexander Ward, Brizeida R. Hernández-Sánchez & Jose C. Sánchez-García - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:493645.
    The percentage of female entrepreneurs is far below the level of males, although it has increased over the past several years. Based on the theory of planned behavior, the purpose of this article is to specify a model in which the relationship among entrepreneurial potential, gender and entrepreneurial intention are explored, by analyzing how perceived behavioral control (PBC) and perceived entrepreneurial skills, as exogenous variables, affect expression of intention for business, and how these are mediated by their entrepreneurial motivations and (...)
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    Gender Differences in Leadership Role Occupancy: The Mediating Role of Power Motivation.Sebastian C. Schuh, Alina S. Hernandez Bark, Niels Van Quaquebeke, Rüdiger Hossiep, Philip Frieg & Rolf Van Dick - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (3):363-379.
    Although the proportion of women in leadership positions has grown over the past decades, women are still underrepresented in leadership roles, which poses an ethical challenge to society at large but business in particular. Accordingly, a growing body of research has attempted to unravel the reasons for this inequality. Besides theoretical progress, a central goal of these studies is to inform measures targeted at increasing the share of women in leadership positions. Striving to contribute to these efforts and drawing on (...)
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    The Unwitting Accomplice: How Organizations Enable Motivated Reasoning and Self-Serving Behavior.Laura J. Noval & Morela Hernandez - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (3):699-713.
    In this article, we demonstrate that individuals use motivated reasoning to convince themselves that their self-serving behavior is justified, which in turn affects the distribution of resources in business situations. Specifically, we explore how ambiguous contextual cues and individual beliefs can jointly form motivated reasoning. Across two experimental studies, we find that whereas individual ideologies that endorse status hierarchies can strengthen the relationship between contextual ambiguity and motivated reasoning, individual beliefs rooted in fairness and equality can weaken it. Our findings (...)
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  7.  31
    The Synergistic Effect of Prototypicality and Authenticity in the Relation Between Leaders’ Biological Gender and Their Organizational Identification.Lucas Monzani, Alina S. Hernandez Bark, Rolf van Dick & José María Peiró - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (4):737-752.
    Role congruity theory affirms that female managers face more difficulties at work because of the incongruity between female gender and leadership role expectations. Furthermore, due to this incongruity, it is harder for female managers to perceive themselves as authentic leaders. However, followers’ attributions of prototypicality could attenuate this role incongruity and have implications on a managers’ organizational identification. Hence, we expect male managers to be more authentic and to identify more with their organizations, when compared to female managers who are (...)
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  8.  40
    Discrimination of Urban Spaces with Different Level of Restorativeness Based on the Original and on a Shorter Version of Hartig et al.’s Perceived Restorativeness Scale.Fátima Negrín, Estefanía Hernández-Fernaud, Stephany Hess & Bernardo Hernández - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:275580.
    Restorativeness is defined as the potential of the environment to re-establish certain cognitive capacities related to human information processing. The most frequently used instrument for evaluating the restorativeness of places is the Perceived Restorativeness Scale, proposed by Hartig and colleagues (1991). Later on, shorter versions of the Perceived Restorativeness Scale were proposed. The aim of this work is to evaluate the discriminatory capacity of the original and of a shorter Spanish version of the PRS, considering urban settings previously selected for (...)
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    A bond graph model of the cardiovascular system.V. Le Rolle, A. I. Hernandez, P. Y. Richard, J. Buisson & G. Carrault - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (4):295-312.
    The study of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) function has shown to provide useful indicators for risk stratification and early detection on a variety of cardiovascular pathologies. However, data gathered during different tests of the ANS are difficult to analyse, mainly due to the complex mechanisms involved in the autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system (CVS). Although model-based analysis of ANS data has been already proposed as a way to cope with this complexity, only a few models coupling the main (...)
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  10.  12
    Digital Fabrication and Theater: Developing Social Skills in Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder.Alicia Sandoval Poveda & Diana Hernández Montoya - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    An action research project was carried out, using theater workshops and basic digital fabrication technology workshops to improve social skills—such as the expression of emotions, communication, self-control, and teamwork—in a group of 10 young individuals with autism spectrum disorder. This article focuses on the digital fabrication workshops, where participants worked on the fundamentals of electronics and programming, as well as 3D design and printing, to make props that were later used on stage in the theatrical performances in which they participated. (...)
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    A new experience: The course of ethics in engineering in the department of civil engineering, university of Granada.Luisa María Gil-Martín, Enrique Hernández-Montes & Armando Segura-Naya - 2010 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (2):409-413.
    A course in professional ethics for civil engineers was taught for the first time in Spain during the academic year 2007/08. In this paper a survey on the satisfaction and expectation of the course is presented. Surprisingly the students sought moral and ethical principles for their own ordinary lives as well as for their profession. Students were concerned about the law, but in their actions they were more concerned with their conscience, aware that it can be separate from the law.
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  12. Living Autoethnography: Connecting Life and Research.Faith Wambura Ngunjiri, Kathy-Ann C. Hernandez & Heewon Chang - 2010 - Journal of Research Practice 6 (1):Article E1.
    Autoethnography is a qualitative research method that utilizes data about self and context to gain an understanding of the connectivity between self and others. This introductory article exposes the reader to our own praxis of collaborative autoethnography which we used to interrogate how we navigate the US academy as immigrant women faculty. Before introducing the articles in this special issue, we explore the autoethnography continuum, provide sample areas covered by autoethnographers, and explicate the practice of collaborative autoethnography. We conclude this (...)
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  13. Practical reasons for belief without stakes☆.N. G. Laskowski & Shawn Hernandez - 2021 - Analytic Philosophy 63 (1):16-27.
    Analytic Philosophy, Volume 63, Issue 1, Page 16-27, March 2022.
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    Study of the malware SCIRS model with different incidence rates.A. Martín del Rey, J. D. Hernández Guillén & G. Rodríguez Sánchez - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (2):202-213.
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  15. The Status of Arguments in Abstract Argumentation Frameworks. A Tableaux Method.Gustavo A. Bodanza & Enrique Hernández-Manfredini - 2023 - Manuscrito 46 (2):66-108.
    Dung’s argumentation frameworks are formalisms widely used to model interaction among arguments. Although their study has been profusely developed in the field of Artificial Intelligence, it is not common to see its treatment among those less connected to computer science within the logical-philosophical community. In this paper we propose to bring to that audience a proof-theory for argument justification based on tableaux, very similar to those the Logic students are familiar with. The tableaux enable to calculate whether an argument or (...)
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    Del individuo al dividuo (Deleuze) y al sujeto larval (Agamben): los procesos de desubjetivación y subjetivación en la sociedad contemporánea.Cuauhtémoc Nattahí Hernández Martínez - 2025 - Valenciana 35 (35):149-178.
    A partir de la tesis de Deleuze acerca de que en las “sociedades de control” se da lugar más al “dividuo” que al individuo y de la tesis de Agamben acerca de que en la “fase extrema del capitalismo” los procesos de desubjetivación se han vuelto indistinguibles de los procesos de subjetivación y dan lugar sólo a un “sujeto larval”, analizamos la formación subjetiva que se gesta en la configuración contemporánea del poder. Análisis que realizamos sobre la base de las (...)
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    A real argument to defy classical logic.Héctor Hernández Ortiz - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (1):7-13.
    In this paper, an argument by Fisher (2004) is formalized and evaluated by means of some tools of classical logic. The argument presented by Fisher is a version of a piece of reasoning of great historical importance known as Pascal’s Wager. According to Fisher, “this is a fascinating piece of reasoning. It is complex and important and hard to handle”. Here is shown that, although formal logical analysis has limitations to evaluate everyday deductive arguments, it is perfectly capable to formalize (...)
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    La política estética de las emociones negativas: reflexiones marginales desde Sianne Ngai y Theodor Adorno.Francisco Hernández Galván - 2025 - Trans/Form/Ação 48 (2):e025005.
    This essay problematizes some reflections on the negative affective machinery proposed by Sianne Ngai and Theodor Adorno in the formulation of an aesthetic politics of negative emotions as a critical response to cultural emotional scripts. Against the backdrop of the aestheticization of capitalism and contemporary aesthetic politics, negative emotions emerge as a fertile approach to understanding power dynamics in contemporary society, as well as to questioning traditional forms of aesthetic and political analysis. Ultimately, it is suggested that the aesthetic politics (...)
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  19.  30
    Practical Logic and the Analysis of Legal Language.Rafael Hernández Marín - 1991 - Ratio Juris 4 (3):322-333.
    Abstract.One of the theses of the present work is that, at the strictly logical and methodological level, practical logic has neither made, nor can it make any contribution to the philosophy of law, since none of the three branches of practical logic that have been taken into account, namely, the logic of norms, deontic logic and legal logic, seems to be theoretically possible. The contribution of practical logic to the analysis of legal language is assessed in terms of both the (...)
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  20.  26
    The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid Times.Pedro Mora-Ramírez, María Amo-Hernández & Paula García-Rodríguez - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):641-647.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid TimesPedro Mora-Ramírez, María Amo-Hernández, and Paula García-RodríguezAnswering the Knock at the Door, Welcoming Utopian Futures, The Knock at the Door: Utopian Dreams for Post-Covid Times, May 21–24, 2023, University of Huelva, Spain, and University of Calgary, CanadaThe COVID-19 pandemic has fostered new adversities and vulnerabilities, prompting reflection on the economic, social, and political paradigms that endanger human and nonhuman (...)
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  21.  20
    Aproximaciones a un realismo fenomenológico: más allá de la correlación y de la neutralidad ontológica.Stee Hernández Cagua - 2024 - Revista Filosofía Uis 23 (1):96-115.
    Este artículo sostiene la tesis según la cual la fenomenología se puede comprometer con una ontología realista. El artículo da básicamente tres pasos para argumentar esto: (1) revisar los argumentos que sostienen la tesis de que la fenomenología al ser correlacionista está más próxima a un idealismo que a un realismo; (2) revisar los argumentos que sostienen que la fenomenología al ejecutar la epojé implica una neutralidad ontológica; y (3) construir argumentos que demuestren que la fenomenología es más cercana a (...)
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  22. The Challenge of Greening Religious Schools by Improving the Environmental Competencies of Teachers.Rafael Robina-Ramírez, M. Isabel Sánchez-Hernández, Héctor V. Jiménez-Naranjo & Carlos Díaz-Caro - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:496342.
    Even though sacred scriptures emphasize the key role that Creation and respect for living creatures play in all religions, the so-called religious schools seem to show little interest in putting this sacred mandate into effect. To shed light on this subject, this work investigates the role of teachers in the process, focusing on their environmental competencies. Our hypotheses are tested through a structural equation model on a sample of 214 biology and religion teachers from 118 Catholic schools in Spain who (...)
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  23.  17
    Salto y cesura del pensar. En medio de la «parada» dialéctica benjaminiana.Eduardo Hernández Gutiérrez - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):841-863.
    En Das Passagen-Werk Benjamin vuelve sobre el concepto de Ursprung, esta vez como salto genuino de lo que ha sido, como vuelco dialéctico en el instante del Jetztzeit del materialista histórico, instante de legibilidad, pero también como parada e interrupción [Stillstand] de este despliegue, donde la fuerza dialéctica queda suspendida por un instante, en el ahora de su cognoscibilidad. Para llegar a esto, el berlinés ha hecho un recorrido reflexivo, crítico y contundente, el cual comienza a definirse más intensamente desde (...)
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    Las dos caras del relativismo: crítica al fundacionismo e imagen relativista de la ciencia.M. Luis Humberto Hernández - 2021 - Praxis Filosófica 52:119-144.
    En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar la doble función que cumple el relativismo: por un lado, constituye una crítica a la visión fundacionista que caracterizó a una parte importante de la filosofía de la ciencia contemporánea, específicamente el Positivismo Lógico y algunos de sus herederos. Por otra parte, ofrece una interpretación sobre los aspectos sincrónicos y diacrónicos de la ciencia, que se presenta como una alternativa a las principales caracterizaciones que se hicieron de la ciencia contemporánea, particularmente de su evolución, (...)
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    Family firm entrepreneurship and sustainability initiatives: Women as corporate change agents.Ada Domańska, Remedios Hernández-Linares, Robert Zajkowski & Beata Żukowska - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (2):217-240.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, Volume 33, Issue 2, Page 217-240, April 2024.
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    Caso Mampujan: valoración del daño material, moral y social en víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano.María Isabel Borda Arias & Álvaro Parra Hernández - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
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    Explanatory and Creative Alternatives to the MDL priciple.Ismael García-Varea & José Hernández-Orallo - 2000 - Foundations of Science 5 (2):185-207.
    The Minimum Description Length principle is the modernformalisation of Occam's razor. It has been extensively and successfullyused in machine learning, especially for noisy and long sources ofdata. However, the MDL principle presents some paradoxes andinconveniences. After discussing all these, we address two of the mostrelevant: lack of explanation and lack of creativity. We present newalternatives to address these problems. The first one, intensionalcomplexity, avoids extensional parts in a description, so distributingcompression ratio in a more even way than the MDL principle. (...)
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  28. Perspectiva conceptual normativa de la participación ciudadana y democracia en Venezuela.Judith Hernández de Velazco - 2013 - Telos (Venezuela) 15 (1):64-76.
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    Secure elliptic curves and their performance.V. Gayoso Martínez, L. Hernández Encinas, A. Martín Muñoz & R. Durán Díaz - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (2):277-238.
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    The Problem of Language in Ennodius of Pavia.Jesús Hernández Lobato - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (2):916-925.
    This paper analyses the metaliterary statements that pervade the oeuvre of Ennodius of Pavia (a.d. 474–521) in order to reconstruct his underlying conception of language: its nature, power, function, limitations, and dangers. This new perspective provides a more nuanced insight into the paradoxical poetics of the author as well as his final renunciation to literature after his appointment as bishop of Pavia.
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    Ilusión de profundidad explicativa, un estado del arte.Santiago Arango-Muñoz & Alejandro Hernández Ruiz - 2023 - Humanitas Hodie 5 (2):H52a3.
    La ilusión de profundidad explicativa (ipe) es uno de los fenómenos que ha despertado gran interés en la ciencia cognitiva en los últimos veinte años. Sucede cuando la persona cree poder explicar un fenómeno mejor de lo que realmente puede explicarlo. A continuación, se hará una reconstrucción histórica de los estudios de la IPE a lo largo de las últimas décadas, dando cuenta de su actualidad e importancia. Primero se presentarán los antecedentes y los estudios fundantes de este tema de (...)
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    Programa de doctorado en patrimonio cultural desde un proyecto de cooperación internacional.Margarita Victoria Hernández Garrido, Milene Soto Suárez & Neris Rodríguez Matos - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-9.
    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo revelar el contexto de surgimiento y los componen- tes teóricos - metodológicos de un programa de formación doctoral sobre patrimo- nio cultural con enfoque interdisciplinar, elaborado en el marco de un Programade Cooperación Internacional. En lo metodológico, se propició el desarrollo de una metodología cualitativa sin desestimar lo cuantitativo. Los impactos del programa revelan un nivel superior de calidad de los procesos formativos en la Universidad de Oriente, el perfeccionamiento de competencias académicas y científicas al (...)
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  33.  17
    Invertir con causa: ¿es posible ganar en la bolsa de valores mientras se lucha contra el sistema? Un análisis de tres figuras en el mercado financiero: el indignado, el Übermensch y el emprendedor.Antonio Hernández Vélez Leija - 2023 - Logos Revista de Filosofía 141 (141):217-238.
    La inversión en la bolsa de valores se ha interpretado por algunos como unaactividad con daños colaterales en detrimento de las masas. Considerando lasrazones del por qué esto ha ocasionado un sentimiento de indignación en muchos,este texto busca identificar el tipo de inversionistas que se encuentran enWall Street —se inicia con el Übermensch, de Nietzsche y se finaliza con el empresario productor de Ayn Rand—, y qué tan justificado es el resentimiento que se ha generado en contra. Asimismo, dada la (...)
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    Reply to Critics.R. Aída Hernández Castillo - 2021 - The Pluralist 16 (1):99-103.
    this article is based on a paper that I presented during the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, as a keynote speaker in the Coss Dialogue sessions. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that most participants of SAAP use the term "American" in its continental, rather than in the US-centric sense. I am glad that many of the philosophers of this community of knowledge have opened their dialogues to the voices and experiences south of the (...)
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    Correction: Diversification or sensory unification? Controversies around the senses in fin de siècle culture.Sonsoles Hernandez Barbosa - 2024 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 47 (1):1-1.
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    To Marsh: Propositions for Relating Otherwise (Creative Intervention).Andrea Vela-Alarcon & Nicholas Brown-Hernández - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (4):992-999.
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    Heidegger y la fenomenología de la existencia: una analítica cinematográfica del aburrimiento en la modernidad.Juan Diego Hernández Albarracín, Carlos Fernando Álvarez González & Marc Pallarès Piquer - 2021 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 62:193-222.
    This paper presents philosophical perspectives related to the concept of boredom from the point of view of its forms and structural modes as developed by Martin Heidegger in his lectures at the University of Freiburg during the winter semesters of 1929 and 1930. We highlight a philosophical stance often overlooked in comparison to more traditional positions in Western philosophical thought—through the proposed hermeneutic-phenomenological processes, this will allow us to interweave their philosophical images with cinematographic narratives that enrich the factual understanding (...)
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    Pensar en obra, la escritura filosófica de Miguel Morey Farré.Luis Eduardo Hernández Gutiérrez - 2023 - Resonancias Revista de Filosofía 15:15-35.
    El objetivo de este ensayo es exponer la experiencia del pensar en obra, propia de una escritura filosófica que asume la singularidad de la configuración literaria en su más originario significado, como palabra memorable que testifica dicha experiencia, asumiéndola como problema del conocimiento. Intentaremos exponer este gesto que unifica diversas construcciones filosóficas que se han caracterizado por ofrecer un tramo de pensamiento en medio de la acción escritural, como punto de vista posible, como vía de acceso al recorrido de un (...)
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    Aproximación a un modelo tecnológico educativo: un enfoque desde la ciencia de los sistemas.Samuel Olmos-Peña & José Julio Nares-Hernández - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (4):1-12.
    La formación adecuada de profesionistas presenta un reto educativo a nivel mundial, este reto es de carácter multifactorial, que se ha abordado desde diferentes disciplinas. La pandemia sanitaria obligó al cierre de universidades mostrando claramente múltiples deficiencias en la implementación de sistemas tecnológicos híbridos que hicieran continua la formación universitaria. En este contexto, se desarrolla una propuesta integral que abarque las necesidades para solventar una educación híbrida. Para formular el modelo se realizó una revisión de la literatura para identificar los (...)
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  40. La guerra de Dios: El atentado contra la convivencia global.Fernando Hernández Abreu - 2001 - A Parte Rei 18:10.
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    Evolutionary Multiresolution Filtering to Forecast Nonlinear Time Series. E. Gomez-Ramírez & A. Ayala-Hernández - 2005 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 14 (2-3):157-192.
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    Observaciones.Ricaardo Baeza, José Rodríguez & Juan L. Hernández - 2003 - Theoria 12:55-63.
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    Philosophy of Computing. Themes from IACAP 2019.Lundgren Björn & Nancy Abigail Nuñez Hernández (eds.) - 2022 - Cham: Springer.
    This book features a unique selection of works presented at the 2019 annual international conference of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP). Every contribution has been peer-reviewed, revised, and extended. The included chapters are thematically diverse; topics include epistemology, dynamic epistemic logic, topology, philosophy of science and computation, game theory and abductive inferences, automated reasoning and mathematical proofs, computer simulations, scientific modelling, applied ethics, pedagogy, human-robot interactions, and big data, algorithms, and artificial intelligence. The volume is a testament (...)
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    El "temenos" de Apolo y Aristeas en Metaponto. Una aproximación a la influencia de Delfos sobre la Magna Grecia.David Hernández Castro - 2018 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 23:111-128.
    Durante la transición del siglo VI al siglo V a.C. la Magna Grecia experimentó grandes transformaciones sociales y políticas. El ascenso de la tiranía y los primeros avances democráticos produjeron una erosión del poder de la aristocracia y la consagración del Santuario de Delfos como la principal fuente de legitimidad de esta nueva centralidad política. El caso de Metaponto nos ofrece una oportunidad privilegiada para observar este proceso, ya que disponemos de varias fuentes, incluido un relato de Heródoto, que nos (...)
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    La estructura topográfica del pensamiento presocrático.David Hernández Castro - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41).
    Desde principios del siglo XX, muchos autores han intentado relacionar el origen del pensamiento griego con las transformaciones sociales o políticas que se produjeron con la irrupción de la polis antigua. Cornford veía una proyección de la estructura del comportamiento social, Jaeger, una analogía, y Vernant, una analogía de estructura del proceso de geometrización del espacio urbano. En este artículo, abordaré los problemas de analizar esta relación bajo el concepto de analogía, y propondré un enfoque alternativo basado en la distinción (...)
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  46.  57
    The mytical foundation of the equality in Plato’s Politeia.Jorge Espinoza Cáceres & Rommel Hernández - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (3):155-170.
    RESUMEN:El siguiente escrito ensaya una interpretación del rendimiento del mito de los metales expuesto por Platón en su diálogo llamado Politeia a propósito de la siguiente interrogación: ¿Cómo se constituye el orden social en la pólis platónica? Para responder a esta pregunta debemos esclarecernos respecto de: i) El papel de la educación en la constitución del orden social. ii) La correlación entre el mito de los metales y el orden social. iii) La constitución tripartita de la psykhḗ humana. Una vez (...)
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    Kant en las perspectivas del pensamiento contemporáneo.Javier Corona Fernández & Oscar Hernandez Beltrán (eds.) - 2005 - Guanajuato.: Ediciones La Rana, Instituto Estatal de la Cultura de Guanajuato / Univesidad de Guanajuato, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
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    La ciencia en la posmodernidad: el caso de Rorty y Lyotard.Nalliely Hernández Cornejo - 2019 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 58:291-323.
    This paper aims to analyze and to compare the conception of science that Richard Rorty and Jean-François Lyotard contend in some of their main writings. First, I will point out some similarities and agreements in their philosophical perspectives, particularly, I will emphasize their epistemological coincidences. Then, I will highlight some important differences in his philosophical interpretation of scientific development and its social role. As a result, it will be possible to clarify and accurately qualify these two postmodern conceptions of science (...)
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    “What If We Get Sick?”: Spanish Adaptation and Validation of the Fear of Illness and Virus Evaluation Scale in a Non-clinical Sample Exposed to the COVID-19 Pandemic.Marianne Cottin, Cristóbal Hernández, Catalina Núñez, Nicolás Labbé, Yamil Quevedo, Antonella Davanzo & Alex Behn - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Distinct sources of stress have emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. Particularly, fear is expected to generate significant psychological burden on individuals and influence on either unsafe behavior that may hinder recovery efforts or virus-mitigating behaviors. However, little is known about the properties of measures to capture them in research and clinical settings. To resolve this gap, we evaluated the psychometric properties of a novel measure of fear of illness and viruses and tested its predictive value for future development of distress. (...)
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    Simulation and the psychology of sociopathy.Joseph L. Hernandez Cruz - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):525-527.
    Mealey's (1995a) psychological explanation of the sociopath's antisocial activity appeals to an incomplete or nonstandard theory of mind. This is not the only possible mechanism of mental state attribution. The simulation theory of mental state ascription offers a better hope of explaining the diverse elements of sociopathy reported by Mealey.
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